web-securityWith business related cybercrime on the rise it has never been more important to keep your website up to date and secure. The trouble is, if you don't have any experience managing a website it can be tricky to know what exactly it is that you need to do.

In this article we will explain some simple step that you can take in order to make your business website more secure, which will help to protect your business from criminals.

Use strong passwords

This might sound simple but you would be amazed how often it is overlooked. You might have a fully updated website on a highly secure server, but if your admin password is 123456 (which some people do use) then you are leaving yourself in a very vulnerable position. Make sure your passwords are complex (8-16 characters long), use special characters and numbers too. It might be annoying to type out but trust us, the alternative is far worse.

Prevent users from uploading files

Allowing visitors to upload content or files to your website can quickly lead to a security vulnerability. Where possible, make sure to remove any forms or areas such as on a blog post where visitors are able to upload files or any type of unsolicited content.

Keep your modules up to date

Nearly all modern websites are built using a CMS (content management system) platform such as WordPress, Joomla, Wix ect. These websites use third party modules for a variety of functions such as galeries, forms and booking systems. These modules require updates in order to stay secure, patch issues and fix bugs. The trouble is, most people don't bother to update these modules, this can leave your site vulnerable.

Install an SSL certificate

An SSL certificate is the method of confirming  that your business website is secure and is able to transfer encrypted information between the users browser and your web server. These certificated are not normally expensive and the company that looks after your websites hosting will most likely be able to provide you with one.

Hire a dedicated website security agency

The methods that are listed above are just a small sample of techniques that can be used to make your website more secure. To give yourself the best chance of avoiding falling foul of hackers, consider engaging with a business whose sole purpose is to protect you from that very threat.

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